Chapter-4 (Operators in C)
In the C programming language, operators are special symbols or keywords that perform operations on operands. Operands are the values or variables that operators act upon. C provides a wide range of operators that can be categorized into the following groups:
1.Arithmetic Operators:
- Addition +
- Subtraction -
- Multiplication *
- Division /
- Modulus % (remainder)
- Equal to ==
- Not equal to !=
- Greater than >
- Less than <
- Greater than or equal to >=
- Less than or equal to '<='
- Logical AND &&
- Logical OR ||
- Logical NOT !
- Assignment =
- Add and assign +=
- Subtract and assign -=
- Multiply and assign *=
- Divide and assign /=
- Modulus and assign %=
- Increment ++
- Decrement --
- Conditional expression ? :
void main()
int a=4,b=3,c=6,d=10,add,s,m,D,mod;
printf("\t*****Arithmetic Operator*********\n");
printf("1.Addition is %d\n",add);
printf("2.subtraction is %d\n",s);
printf("3.multiply is %d\n",m);
printf("4.divsion is %d\n",d);
printf("5.modulus is %d\n",mod);
printf("\t***Relational operator****\n");
printf("1.greater than %d\n",(a>b));
printf("2.Less than %d\n",(b<a));
printf("3.Greater than equal to %d\n",(b>=a));
printf("4.Less than equal to %d\n",(a<=b));
printf("5.Not equal to %d\n",(a!=c));
printf("\t*****Logical Operator****\n");
printf("1.And operator %d\n",(a>b)&&(b<c));
printf("2.Or Operator %d\n",(b<a)||(d>a));
printf("3.Not Operator %d\n",!(a>b));