Alphanumeric validation in JavaScript
Hello guys, sometimes we need to allow users to type only alphanumeric in the textboxes. For that purpose , we will see how to apply alphanumeric validation in javascript
Hello guys, sometimes we need to allow users to type only alphanumeric in the textboxes. For that purpose , we will see how to apply alphanumeric validation in javascript
Hello guys, sometimes while using web application we face need to read json data from json files and parse them in c# . So will see how to read json data from file and parse using Asp.Net.
Access modifiers in C# are used to specify the scope of accessibility of a member of a class or type of the class itself.
Hello guys, sometimes while working with Devexpress tools you may have found one issue with dropdown when you use that on a popup. The items of dropdown gets overlapped by popup. We will see how to fix DevExpress Dropdown Items Overlapped by Popup.
we will learn Microsoft Outlook Add Contacts and Get Contacts service. We will learn how to add and get Contacts using Microsoft Exchange Service.
Let’s explore how ServiceNow, particularly its IT Operations Management (ITOM) capabilities, drives efficiency, enhances productivity, and transforms the way businesses operate.
How to delete files to Azure Blob Storage in an ASP.NET Core Web
Polymorphism means many forms. This allows us to perform a single action in different ways.
Image compression is a way of reducing the size of the images. compress your image in different formats PNG, JPEG, and GIF images. We will learn how to compress image using ImageCompress nuget package which you can download from nuget.
Hello guys, often we want to support file upload in web applications and you will notice if you try to upload file more than 4MB you will face error Maximum request length exceeded .We will see how to fix error maximum request length exceeded in mvc.
1418 (HY000) at line 10185: This function has none of DETERMINISTIC, NO SQL, or READS SQL DATA in its declaration and binary logging is enabled (you might want to use the less safe log_bin_trust_function_creators variable)
Hello guys, we often want to integrate payment gateways in our Asp.Net applications. Some of the most popular payment gateways are Authorize net, payumoney,paypal,stripe and razorpay. We have already covered payumoney and stripe in our blogs. In this article we will see How to implement Authorize.Net Payment gateway in mvc.
How to create a table with fixed header and scrollable body
Hello guys , we often need to integrate twillio sms functionality in our web application. Sometimes we need to get Sms logs or history for all sent sms from twillio. So we will see how to get sms logs from twillio in Asp.Net MVC .
Converting commas or other delimiters to a Table or List in SQL Server
Hello guys, we often want to integrate payment gateways in our Asp.Net applications. Some of the most popular payment gateways are payumoney,paypal,stripe and razorpay. We have already covered payumoney and stripe in our blogs. In this article we will see How to implement Paypal in Asp.Net Webforms.
Hello guys , sometimes we often need to download files as zip file in Asp.Net MVC. We will use ZipArchive to download files as zip. We will see the steps in the article.
Angular Material Select Dropdown with Image
In Java, the ArrayList class implements the List interface as a resizable array. It offers dynamic arrays that can expand or contract in size as needed. ArrayLists are a component of the Java Collections Framework and provide a variety of methods for modifying the elements contained in them.
Hello guys, while using Paypal payment gateway we often need for payout to some other user using paypal. So in this article we will see how to do payout using paypal payment gateway.
In this article, we'll dive into integrating PayPal subscriptions into an ASP.NET Core application. PayPal offers a robust API that allows developers to create and manage subscription plans seamlessly. We'll walk through a sample code snippet that demonstrates how to create a subscription plan, add a product, and initiate a subscription for a user.
JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) is a lightweight data interchange format commonly used for transmitting data between multiple systems, mostly in Web APIs and client applications. JSON is a text-based format that is easy for humans to read and write and also easy for machines to parse and generate. It is language-independent, meaning it can be used with any programming language that has the capability to parse JSON data.
So basically in a MVC Project we often use many controllers for making our web project functional.So one way is to handle exception separately on all of them or we can simple use a Base Controller. A Base controller can be told as a parent controller from which all other controller will inherit.So in that way Exception handling performed on Base Controller will get applied on all controllers which inherits from this controller.
How to use Azure Blob Storage in an ASP.NET Core Web API to list, upload, download, and delete files
Caching in ASP.NET Core using Redis Cache
Hello guys, we often need to implement user authentication and validate user authentication for all actions. We will see how we can create custom filter attribute and use that for user authentication.
In this tutorial on ASP.NET Core, you will delve into executing CRUD operations using Entity Framework Core right from the start. This guide aims to facilitate your understanding of Entity Framework Core, enabling you to seamlessly integrate it into your web applications.
Selenium automation of keyboard and mouse events is an essential ability for efficient web testing. Knowing how to imitate user interactions is crucial whether you're performing repetitive activities or testing web apps. This in-depth guide will go through how to utilise Java's Selenium WebDriver to automate keyboard and mouse events.
Hello guys, sometimes we have to integrate google Login in our .Net applications. It can be hard sometimes to integrate that. So we will see how to integrate that using GoogleAuthentication Nuget package , which makes it easier to use and integrate.
In this article, I will be explaining how an email can be send using ASP.NET with C#. I will be working on window forms of web application.I will be demonstrating how to use to build web application to send an email.
An array is a sort of data structure in Java that allows you to store numerous values of the same type. It allows you to easily organise and manipulate data collections.
Hello guys we often need to import csv file and load into datatable in mvc. So we will see how you can load datatable from csv file or how to import csv in mvc.
In this article, we will explore how to implement text-to-speech functionality in an ASP.NET MVC application using the built-in System.Speech.Synthesis namespace in .NET. This method allows you to convert text to speech without relying on external services.
The java.lang.IllegalStateException with the message "The driver executable does not exist" typically occurs in the context of automated testing using web automation frameworks such as Selenium WebDriver.
The do while loop statement executes a statement or a block of statements while a specified Boolean expression evaluates to true. Because that expression is evaluated after each execution of the loop, a do-while loop executes one or more times.The do while loop stops execution exits when a boolean condition evaluates to false. Because the while(condition) specified at the end of the block, it certainly executes the code block at least once.This differs from the while loop, which executes zero or more times. The do while loop is the same as while loop except that it executes the code block at least once
First C# Program
Hello guys , we often need to implement Social Login in our web applications. Github login is also one of the social logins which is widely used now a days for authentication. We will see how to use that in Asp.Net MVC.
Hello guys sometimes we need to call async methods inside sync methods in our application. So we will see how we can do that.
A do-while loop is a sort of loop construct in C that repeatedly runs a block of code as long as a stated condition is true. The do-while loop, as opposed to the while loop, ensures that the code block is performed at least once, even if the condition is initially false. The basic syntax of a do-while loop in C is as follows:
Hello guys, sometimes we need to consume web api from c# or Asp.Net core.So in this article we will see Calling Web api from Server Side using Asp.Net Core . We will use HttpClient for this.
Hello guys we will see how to fix Error An error occurred while processing your request.Swapping to Development environment will display more detailed information about the error that occurred.The Development environment shouldn't be enabled for deployed applications. It can result in displaying sensitive information from exceptions to end users. For local debugging, enable the Development environment by setting the ASPNETCORE_ENVIRONMENT environment variable to Development. In core IIS
Hello guys in this article we will see how you can create your own speech to text converter in javascript. So we will try to implement speech recognition and display speech in written format, similar like subtitles.
This tutorial demonstrates how to accept payments with Stripe Checkout in an ASP.NET Core application built with C# and Web Forms. The application uses Checkout to accept credit cards from the end user and send tokens to a back-end API. The back-end controller uses the Stripe .NET library to create a charge. We are using latest version on Stripe.Net api in this. Check out complete steps to Implement Stripe Payment Gateway In ASP.NET Core
In the technologically driven era we live in, software engineering stands not just as a profession but as a dynamic and vibrant journey. This journey is filled with opportunities for continuous learning, growth, and professional advancement. For those who dare to delve into its intricacies and navigate its challenges, software engineering offers numerous routes to personal and professional development.
In this tutorial, we'll explore how to integrate the ChatGPT API into an ASP.NET MVC application. The ChatGPT API, provided by OpenAI, allows developers to interact with the powerful language model for various applications like chatbots, content generation, and more.
In this tutorial we’ll use slick Slider , A Slick Slider is a popular jQuery plugin, to build an attractive responsive image gallery. Slick.js is a well-known jQuery plugin created by Ken Wheeler that lets you build beautiful responsive carousels. so what I going to do is to create a custom slider one of my favorite slider is the slick slider. You can create a custom slider by following the steps below.
An ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException is a runtime exception in Java that happens when you attempt to access an array element with an index that is outside the array's valid range of indices. In other words, you're attempting to access an element in the array at an index that doesn't exist.
Hello guys, while working with blogging sites we often want to add buttons to share our articles on whatsapp , for providing user option to share link on whatsapp we have to use We will see how to add a WhatsApp share button on a website.
Hello friends, as per being a .net developer we often have situations of Sending FCM Mobile Notification in for Android. So we will see all steps for sending notifications on android for Asp.Net and also we will see how to get fcm server key.
Hangfire is an open-source library to schedule and execute background jobs in .NET applications. You'll be able to create a simple background process inside the same application pool or thread without creating separate applications. Hangfire creates background jobs in persistence storage, like MS SQL Server, Redis, MongoDB, and others, that may prevent you from losing the job on recycling IIS pools or exception prevalence.
This article will explain repository design pattern with ADO.Net in MVC from the database without using the entity framework. I am going to use ADO.Net for this article.
CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) is a style sheet language used to describe the display of an HTML or XML document. It allows web developers to control the appearance and layout of multiple web pages at once. Here's a detailed overview of some fundamental CSS properties:
Hello guys, often while dealing with project where we need to implement payment systems and need user to enter card number and show them the card number format properly. So for that purpose we have to use controls from payment gateways which are bit harder to manage on custom websites. So we will see how to implement Input Box Card Number Formatting using jquery.
Templates in C++ allow you to construct generic code that can deal with multiple data types without having to replicate the code for each one. In C++, templates are fundamental for constructing flexible and reusable classes and functions. In C++, there are two types of templates: function templates and class templates.
Hello guys in this article we will discuss about features of .net core 7 which we can see in the upcoming release of .net core
What is C?
Hello guys, considering the security of web applications and api's we often have to implement security tokens. Sometimes we use owin authentication and sometimes JWT Tokens. So in this article we will see how to implement JWT Token Authentication in ASP.NET MVC using JWT.
Type conversions between classes in an inheritance hierarchy are referred to as "upcasting" and "downcasting" in Java. When working with polymorphism and inheritance, these conversions are frequently required. Let's look at both ideas:
C# provides the while loop to repeatedly execute a block of code as long as the specified condition returns false. The while loop starts with the while keyword, and it must include a boolean conditional expression inside brackets that returns either true or false. It executes the code block until the specified conditional expression returns false. The condition is given in the beginning of the loop and all statements are executed till the given boolean condition satisfies when the condition becomes false, the control will be out from the while loop else It executes the code block until the specified conditional expression returns false.
Web Api in MVC
In this tutorial, I will explain how we can use the Web APIs in the Angular application using HttpClient. Before we start the step-by-step process
The Treemap is a component of the Java Collections Framework that implements the SortedMap interface. It keeps its elements ordered according to the natural ordering of keys or a defined comparator.
After installing or updating the system or uploading your web app on IIS, you may receive the error HTTP Error 502.5 - ANCM Out-Of-Process Startup Failure upon accessing the website. So we will see how to solve that error.
TreeSet is a Java Collections Framework class that implements the SortedSet interface. It returns a set that is sorted in natural order or by a provided comparator. TreeSet, unlike HashSet, does not allow duplicate elements and delivers fast performance for simple operations like adding, removing, and searching for elements.
This tutorial demonstrates how to accept payments with Stripe Checkout in an ASP.NET application built with C# and Web Forms. The application uses Checkout to accept credit cards from the end user and send tokens to a back-end API. The back-end controller uses the Stripe .NET library to create a charge. There are four steps: Create the project and configure dependencies Create the payment Web Form Create a page to perform the charge Run the application
Overriding methods is a key idea in Java object-oriented programming. It enables a subclass to provide a particular implementation of a method defined in the superclass. When you override a method, you replace the superclass's inherited implementation with your own version in the subclass. This allows for polymorphism and dynamic method dispatch.
how to use Web Api in MVC
Creating and displaying SSRS Report in ASP.NET MVC
So, nowadays it is really important while developing applications that users don't have to waste a lot of time trying to register or go inside your web application. So, keeping in mind the need of today's world we have few Social Login available that are getting used mostly. These include Google Login, Linkedin, and Microsoft. In this article we will see How to Integrate Linkedin Login With Open Id Connect in Asp.Net MVC.
Because there are no library functions with predetermined definitions, a user-defined function is one that is written by the user when writing any application. To fulfill the user's individual needs, the user must create his or her own functions. Such functions must be appropriately defined by the user. There is no such necessity to include any specific library in the program.
Hello guys, sometimes while working with you mvc application we often need to have mapping between database objects to other objects. Often we do that mannually and we can also use automapper to automate mapping between similar kinds of object. So we will see how to implement AutoMapper in mvc.
HashSet is a Java Collections Framework class that implements the Set interface. It gives a collection with no duplicate elements and no set order for its elements. HashSet is built on a hash table data structure, which allows it to add, remove, and search for elements in constant time (O(1)).
This tutorial demonstrates how to accept payments with Stripe Checkout in an ASP.NET Core 7.0 application built with C# . The application uses Checkout to accept credit cards from the end user and send tokens to a back-end API. The back-end controller uses the Stripe .NET library to create a charge. We are using latest version on Stripe.Net api in this. Check out complete steps to Integrate Stripe Payment Gateway In ASP.NET Core 7.0
The org.openqa.selenium.SessionNotCreatedException is an exception that can occur when working with Selenium, a popular automation testing framework used for web application testing. This exception typically indicates that a new session (browser instance) could not be created due to various reasons.
In this tutorial we’ll use slick Slider in responsive mode, A Slick Slider is a popular jQuery plugin, to build an attractive responsive image gallery. So we will see how to configure slick slider for responsive screens.
Hello guys, we often want to integrate payment gateways in our Asp.Net applications. Some of the most popular payment gateways are payumoney,paypal,stripe and razorpay. We have already covered payumoney and stripe in our blogs. In this article we will see paypal integration in Asp.Net MVC.
In C# if-else statement also tests the condition. It executes the if block if the condition is true otherwise else block, is executed. the else statement to specify a block of code to be executed if the condition is False. the if-else statement checks a Boolean expression and executes the code based on if the expression is true or false. The if part of the code executes when the value of the expression is true. The else part of the code is executed when the value of the expression is false.
A control structure in C called a switch statement is used to make decisions based on the value of a variable or expression. It enables you to run a block of code connected to the first matching case after testing a variable against a set of values (cases). The switch statement's fundamental grammar is as follows:
Hello guys, sometimes we need to allow users to type only alphabets in the textboxes. For that purpose , we will see how to apply alphabet validation using javascript
Hello guys, sometimes we need to get mime type for specific file types. So we will see how we can get mime type for any file extension in Asp.Net.
Never study to be successful, study for self-efficiency. Don’t run behind success. Follow behind excellence, success will come all way behind you.