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How to use Jquery Datatables in

In this article, we'll walk through the process of creating an ASP.NET MVC application that displays a list of employees using jQuery DataTables. This powerful plugin provides advanced interaction controls to any HTML table, making it a great choice for displaying data in a user-friendly manner.So we will see how to use jquery datatables in

How to Integrate Google Sign in Core 8.0

Hello everyone, in today's digital landscape, integrating Google authentication login using Google API has become increasingly essential. In this article, we will delve into the process of seamlessly integrating Google SignIn into Asp.Net Core 8.0, the latest framework in the .NET Core ecosystem. Let's explore how to streamline user authentication and elevate the security standards of your web applications by Integrating Google SignIn in Asp.Net Core 8.0.

Integrating Google reCAPTCHA Validation in ASP.NET MVC

In today's digital landscape, security is paramount for any web application. One effective way to enhance security and protect against bots is by integrating Google reCAPTCHA. reCAPTCHA is a free service provided by Google that helps to distinguish between human and automated traffic on websites. In this article, we'll explore how to integrate Google reCAPTCHA into an ASP.NET MVC application.

Implement JWT Token Authentication with Validate and Refresh Token in mvc

Hello guys in this article we will see how to implement JWT Token Authenticate with Validate Token and Refresh Token automatically . We will create one action filter attribute that will automatically validate all the request and if the token is expired it will refresh the token again.

Integrating Google Translate into ASP.NET Webpage

Expanding the reach of your ASP.NET webpage by making it accessible to users from diverse linguistic backgrounds is essential for enhancing user experience and increasing engagement. One effective way to achieve this is by integrating Google Translate into your Asp.Net webpage, enabling users to translate the content into their preferred language effortlessly.

How to Create Subscriptions in Paypal in Asp.Net Core

In this article, we'll dive into integrating PayPal subscriptions into an ASP.NET Core application. PayPal offers a robust API that allows developers to create and manage subscription plans seamlessly. We'll walk through a sample code snippet that demonstrates how to create a subscription plan, add a product, and initiate a subscription for a user.

How to refund payment using Paypal in Asp.Net MVC

Hello guys, we often want to integrate payment gateways in our Asp.Net applications. Some of the most popular payment gateways are payumoney,paypal,stripe and razorpay. We have already covered payumoney and stripe in our blogs. In this article we will see How to refund payment using Paypal in Asp.Net MVC. For this we will use paypal sale api.

How to implement Paypal in Asp.Net Webforms

Hello guys, we often want to integrate payment gateways in our Asp.Net applications. Some of the most popular payment gateways are payumoney,paypal,stripe and razorpay. We have already covered payumoney and stripe in our blogs. In this article we will see How to implement Paypal in Asp.Net Webforms.

How to implement Authorize.Net Payment gateway in mvc

Hello guys, we often want to integrate payment gateways in our Asp.Net applications. Some of the most popular payment gateways are Authorize net, payumoney,paypal,stripe and razorpay. We have already covered payumoney and stripe in our blogs. In this article we will see How to implement Authorize.Net Payment gateway in mvc.

Integrate Razorpay Payment Gateway in ASP.NET Core 8.0

We will discover how to integrate the Razorpay payment gateway with ASP.Net Core in this tutorial. Here, we go over Razor Pay and show you how to incorporate it into ASP.Net Core MVC. Please read through my earlier post, "Build CRUD REST APIs with EF Core." You can view the result of our integration of Razorpay with ASP.Net Core MVC at the conclusion of this post.

Error-An error occurred while processing your request in .Net core IIS

Hello guys we will see how to fix Error An error occurred while processing your request.Swapping to Development environment will display more detailed information about the error that occurred.The Development environment shouldn't be enabled for deployed applications. It can result in displaying sensitive information from exceptions to end users. For local debugging, enable the Development environment by setting the ASPNETCORE_ENVIRONMENT environment variable to Development. In core IIS

Integrate Stripe Payment Gateway In ASP.NET Core 8.0

This tutorial demonstrates how to accept payments with Stripe Checkout in an ASP.NET Core 8.0 application built with C# . The application uses Checkout to accept credit cards from the end user and send tokens to a back-end API. The back-end controller uses the Stripe .NET library to create a charge. We are using latest version on Stripe.Net api in this. Check out complete steps to Integrate Stripe Payment Gateway In ASP.NET Core 8.0

How to fix CWE-23 Path Traversal vulnerability (Snyk)

Hello guys, in this article we will see how to fix CWE-23 Path Traversal vulnerability Unsanitized input from an HTTP parameter flows into global::System.IO.Directory.CreateDirectory, where it is used as a path. This may result in a Path Traversal vulnerability and allow an attacker to create arbitrary directories when we scan our code with snyk.

How to Integrate Linkedin Login With Open Id Connect in Asp.Net MVC

So, nowadays it is really important while developing applications that users don't have to waste a lot of time trying to register or go inside your web application. So, keeping in mind the need of today's world we have few Social Login available that are getting used mostly. These include Google Login, Linkedin, and Microsoft. In this article we will see How to Integrate Linkedin Login With Open Id Connect in Asp.Net MVC.

How to use api with proxy url in Asp.Net for CORS

In modern web development, it's common to interact with external APIs or services to retrieve data for your application. However, when your web application runs in a browser and makes requests to a different domain or origin, you may encounter Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) restrictions. We will see how to use api with proxy url in website. This also helps us to resolve CORS errors.

How to generate pdf using itextsharp in mvc

In this article, we'll walk you through the process of using iTextSharp to create PDF documents within an ASP.NET MVC project. We'll dissect the code you've provided and explain each step to ensure you have a comprehensive understanding of the implementation. So follow the steps for learning How to generate pdf using itextsharp in mvc.

How to implement JWT Token in Asp.Net core 7

Hello, readers, and welcome to Code2Night! In this blog post, we will focus on the latter and explore how to implement JWT Token Authentication in ASP.NET Core 7.0 Web api and .net core 7 web application. So we will see how we will generate jwt token and how we will verify the token using authorize attribute.

Integrate Stripe Payment Gateway In ASP.NET Core 7.0

This tutorial demonstrates how to accept payments with Stripe Checkout in an ASP.NET Core 7.0 application built with C# . The application uses Checkout to accept credit cards from the end user and send tokens to a back-end API. The back-end controller uses the Stripe .NET library to create a charge. We are using latest version on Stripe.Net api in this. Check out complete steps to Integrate Stripe Payment Gateway In ASP.NET Core 7.0

Implement Stripe Payment Gateway In ASP.NET Core

This tutorial demonstrates how to accept payments with Stripe Checkout in an ASP.NET Core application built with C# and Web Forms. The application uses Checkout to accept credit cards from the end user and send tokens to a back-end API. The back-end controller uses the Stripe .NET library to create a charge. We are using latest version on Stripe.Net api in this. Check out complete steps to Implement Stripe Payment Gateway In ASP.NET Core

Child internet safety

Child internet safety refers to the precautions, guidelines, and measures taken to protect children from potential dangers and risks associated with their use of the internet and online platforms. As children increasingly access the internet for educational, entertainment, and social purposes, it becomes essential to ensure their online safety. Here are some key aspects of child internet safety:

Hangfire in ASP.NET Core 3.1 – Background Jobs

Hangfire is an open-source library to schedule and execute background jobs in .NET applications. You'll be able to create a simple background process inside the same application pool or thread without creating separate applications. Hangfire creates background jobs in persistence storage, like MS SQL Server, Redis, MongoDB, and others, that may prevent you from losing the job on recycling IIS pools or exception prevalence.

Asp.Net Core MVC Publish using FTP

Publish Website using FTP in Visual Studio If we use FTP (File Transfer Protocol) to publish web applications, we need to enter all credentials provided by the FTP hosting company, and application files will upload directly to our FTP hosting space.

Image Compression in MVC

Hello guys , now a days we often provide users the ability to upload images in our web projects. But we have to sometimes utilize the memory for big size images as they can easily full up the memory of server. So for that we can use image compression while uploading image. In this article we will see how to perform Image Compression in MVC.

The report definition is not valid or is not supported by this version of reporting

Hello guys in this article we will see how to solve an exception when you try to use old rdlc report and make changes into that . You will see you will get an exception ReportProcessingException: The report definition is not valid. Details: The report definition has an invalid target namespace '' which cannot be upgraded. We will see how to solve that.

Implement Stripe Payment Gateway In ASP.NET MVC

This tutorial demonstrates how to accept payments with Stripe Checkout in an ASP.NET Core application built with C# and Web Forms. The application uses Checkout to accept credit cards from the end user and send tokens to a back-end API. The back-end controller uses the Stripe .NET library to create a charge. We are using latest version on Stripe.Net api in this. Check out complete steps to Implement Stripe Payment Gateway In ASP.NET Core

Create and publish a package using Visual Studio (.NET Framework, Windows)

Creating a NuGet package from a .NET Framework Class Library involves creating the DLL in Visual Studio on Windows, then using the nuget.exe command-line tool to create and publish the package.

Real Time Chat using SignalR with .Net core and Vue.js

Hello guys, We often found ourself in the need of a realtime chat app . For two way communication in your webapp. We will see how to implement real time chat using SignalR with .Net core and Vue.js. SignalR is basically used for any sort of realtime functionalities. We will use .Net core for managing chathub . You can see complete steps in the article.

Globalization and localization in ASP.NET Core With Resource Files

In this article we will focus on implementing Globalization and localization in ASP.NET Core With Resource Files . We will be trying to implement culture in Asp.Net core 3.1.So if your are struggling in using you Asp.Net Resource Files in .net core have a look at the article in detail.

ConfigurationBuilder does not contain a definition for SetBasePath

In this article we will see how to solve issue 'ConfigurationBuilder' does not contain a definition for 'SetBasePath' and no extension method 'SetBasePath' accepting a first argument of type 'ConfigurationBuilder' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference? in .Net Core 3. We will see how to ready json files in .Net core 3.

Using Ajax in Asp.Net MVC

Hello guys, in this article we will tell you about what is Ajax? and how it can help you create better projects with better performance.Ajax basically used for Asynchronous Javascript and XML. As the name defines it helps you make server side operation asynchronously or you can say without reloading the page. So we will see few examples of using Ajax in Asp.Net MVC.

Implement Stripe Payment Gateway In ASP.NET

This tutorial demonstrates how to accept payments with Stripe Checkout in an ASP.NET application built with C# and Web Forms. The application uses Checkout to accept credit cards from the end user and send tokens to a back-end API. The back-end controller uses the Stripe .NET library to create a charge. There are four steps: Create the project and configure dependencies Create the payment Web Form Create a page to perform the charge Run the application

Exception Handling and Creating Exception Logs in MVC

So basically in a MVC Project we often use many controllers for making our web project functional.So one way is to handle exception separately on all of them or we can simple use a Base Controller. A Base controller can be told as a parent controller from which all other controller will inherit.So in that way Exception handling performed on Base Controller will get applied on all controllers which inherits from this controller.

Exception Handling Asp.Net Core

Error Handling in Asp.Net Core has changed a bit from what we used to use in Asp.Net Mvc. Before .Net Core We used to use OnException Methods to handle Exceptions while executing actions But it doesn't' see working in .Net Core as many features are changed.So In this Article we will see how to make exception handling work in Asp.Net Core.

How to set Date and time format in IIS Manager

Many times you might have got requirement of changing DateTime Format Of your IIS Hosted Web Application.Sometime Date format changes work on LocalHost but on IIS the date format remains same. Select Application Pool Select Project and click on Advanced settingsExpand Process Modal and Select Identity Select Custom Account and Click on set and enter UserName Password(System Credentials) and ok