What is C?
What is C?
What is C?
Angular Material Select Dropdown with Image
Hello guys sometimes we often need to convert base64 to tiff data and we have to verify if the base64 is correct for tiff image. So we will see how to Verify If base 64 string is valid for tiff image in C#.
In this article, we'll explore how to integrate Microsoft Azure Translator API into an ASP.NET MVC application to translate website text dynamically.
In C++, input and output operations are commonly performed using the Standard Input/Output Library, which includes the <iostream> header. This library provides the 'cin' and 'cout' objects for reading input and displaying output, respectively.
Hello, readers, and welcome to Code2Night! In this blog post, we will focus on the latter and explore how to implement JWT Token Authentication in ASP.NET Core 7.0 Web api and .net core 7 web application. So we will see how we will generate jwt token and how we will verify the token using authorize attribute.
In C, format specifiers are used to specify the type of data being read or displayed when using functions like printf and scanf. These are a few frequently used C format specifiers:
Collection of Char or char type array.
Hello guys, in this article we will discuss a issue that we face when we use sfgrid in Blazor. So sometimes while using SfGrid when we want to refresh data source of grid with different schema it doesn't refresh properly. We will see how to fix the issue Changing sfgrid datasource does not work in Blazor.
In this tutorial, we'll explore how to integrate the ChatGPT API into an ASP.NET MVC application. The ChatGPT API, provided by OpenAI, allows developers to interact with the powerful language model for various applications like chatbots, content generation, and more.
Hello guys in this article we will see how you can create your own speech to text converter in javascript. So we will try to implement speech recognition and display speech in written format, similar like subtitles.
TreeSet is a Java Collections Framework class that implements the SortedSet interface. It returns a set that is sorted in natural order or by a provided comparator. TreeSet, unlike HashSet, does not allow duplicate elements and delivers fast performance for simple operations like adding, removing, and searching for elements.
This tutorial demonstrates how to accept payments with Stripe Checkout in an ASP.NET application built with C# and Web Forms. The application uses Checkout to accept credit cards from the end user and send tokens to a back-end API. The back-end controller uses the Stripe .NET library to create a charge. There are four steps: Create the project and configure dependencies Create the payment Web Form Create a page to perform the charge Run the application
Hello guys we often have to deal with json files in asp.net mvc and we also have to read json files using c# and asp.net. So in this article we will see how to read json file in asp.net mvc.
Often we want to export table data in pdf format using Asp.Net format. We will see how we can use itextsharp library and using that how to export table data in pdf using itextsharp in asp.net mvc
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A parameterized constructor in Java is a constructor that accepts one or more parameters when creating a class object. These parameters are used to set the values of the object's instance variables.
Hello guys, while working in Asp.Net MVC or .Net core we often need to convert datatable to list of classes. We will learn how to create a extension method that will help in converting datatable to list without any extra efforts required.
By defining your own classes, you can produce user-defined data types in Java. These classes let you create unique data structures that encapsulate data and action. Here is how to make a Java user-defined data type:
Web Api in Asp.net MVC
Hello guys, in this article we will learn how to integrate zoom c# wrapper in .Net. You can download the sample code from zoom official website . And after that follow this article for zoom integration in windows C# project.
A control structure in C called a switch statement is used to make decisions based on the value of a variable or expression. It enables you to run a block of code connected to the first matching case after testing a variable against a set of values (cases). The switch statement's fundamental grammar is as follows:
Hello guys, sometime we need to shuffle our list or array randomly without being in a certain order. So , in this article we will learn how to shuffle a list randomly in c#.
They are identify after method name and in the bracket.The information can be given to method as a parameter
The Treemap is a component of the Java Collections Framework that implements the SortedMap interface. It keeps its elements ordered according to the natural ordering of keys or a defined comparator.
In C, input and output functions are used to interact with the user and the external world. These functions allow you to read data from the user or files and write data to the screen or files. The standard library provides several functions for input and output
Java includes a number of data structures for storing and manipulating collections of objects. The 'LinkedHashMap' class, which is an extension of the 'HashMap' class, is one of the important classes in the Java Collections Framework. LinkedHashMap, unlike HashMap, preserves the order of its items depending on the insertion order, making it helpful in cases where the order of components must be maintained based on their arrival time.
In a production environment, securing your Swagger UI is essential to prevent unauthorized access. You can use authentication middleware to protect the Swagger UI endpoint. Below is an example of how you can configure authentication for Swagger UI in an ASP.NET Core application.
Hello guys, in this article we will see how to fix CWE-23 Path Traversal vulnerability Unsanitized input from an HTTP parameter flows into global::System.IO.Directory.CreateDirectory, where it is used as a path. This may result in a Path Traversal vulnerability and allow an attacker to create arbitrary directories when we scan our code with snyk.
In Java, access modifiers are keywords that control the visibility and accessibility of classes, fields, methods, and other members within a class or package.
You can design forms in HTML that let users enter data and send it to a server for processing. You can create forms using a variety of form elements and HTML tags. Here's a simple illustration of how to make a straightforward form in HTML:
Image compression is a way of reducing the size of the images. compress your image in different formats PNG, JPEG, and GIF images. We will learn how to compress image using ImageCompress nuget package which you can download from nuget.
In C++, classes are the building blocks of object-oriented programming (OOP). They serve as blueprints or templates for creating objects. Classes define the structure and behavior of objects, encapsulating data (attributes) and functions (methods) that operate on that data.
Hello guys , we often need to integrate sms functionality in our asp.net web application. For that purpose, we often use different SMS libraries. This article will show how to send SMS using Twillio in Asp.Net MVC.
Hello guys , we often need to implement Social Login in our web applications. Github login is also one of the social logins which is widely used now a days for authentication. We will see how to use that in Asp.Net MVC.
Hello guys, we often need to export data from database into excel files in ASp.Net mvc using ClosedXML Xlworkbook. XlWorkbook is a third party library that helps in exporting excel file from datatable or dataset easily amd allows many formatting options that helps in better presenting data in excel.
After installing or updating the system or uploading your web app on IIS, you may receive the error HTTP Error 502.5 - ANCM Out-Of-Process Startup Failure upon accessing the website. So we will see how to solve that error.
A NullPointerException is a runtime exception in Java that happens when you attempt to perform an operation on a null object reference. In other words, you're attempting to access a member (such as a method or field) of an object that hasn't yet been initialized, which results in a null reference.
Hello guys we often need to implement social logins in our web applications. And Linkedin Login has become one of the popular social login that is getting used widely now a days. So we will see how to integrate Linkedin Sign In using LinkedinLogin Nuget package in Asp-Net MVC.
Dapper is a simple Object Mapper and is nothing but Object-relational mapping (ORM) and is responsible for mapping between database and programming language and also it owns the title of King of Micro ORM in terms of speed. It is virtually as fast as using a raw ADO.NET data reader and also Entity Framework.
Upload .bak file to plex server
When the variable of one data type is changed to another data type is known as the Type Casting.
This article will explain repository design pattern with ADO.Net in MVC from the database without using the entity framework. I am going to use ADO.Net for this article.
Hello guys, sometimes we have to integrate google Login in our .Net applications. It can be hard sometimes to integrate that. So we will see how to integrate that using GoogleAuthentication Nuget package , which makes it easier to use and integrate.
CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) is a style sheet language used to describe the display of an HTML or XML document. It allows web developers to control the appearance and layout of multiple web pages at once. Here's a detailed overview of some fundamental CSS properties:
Zoom API integration in ASP.NET empowers developers to seamlessly incorporate Zoom's powerful video conferencing capabilities into their ASP.NET applications.In this article we will see creating zoom meeting in asp.net mvc using zoom api step by step.
1418 (HY000) at line 10185: This function has none of DETERMINISTIC, NO SQL, or READS SQL DATA in its declaration and binary logging is enabled (you might want to use the less safe log_bin_trust_function_creators variable)
Child internet safety refers to the precautions, guidelines, and measures taken to protect children from potential dangers and risks associated with their use of the internet and online platforms. As children increasingly access the internet for educational, entertainment, and social purposes, it becomes essential to ensure their online safety. Here are some key aspects of child internet safety:
Here we discuss paragraph tag , acronym tags, and marquee tags.
Hello guys, in this article we will tell you about what is Ajax? and how it can help you create better projects with better performance.Ajax basically used for Asynchronous Javascript and XML. As the name defines it helps you make server side operation asynchronously or you can say without reloading the page. So we will see few examples of using Ajax in Asp.Net MVC.
The Regex class in C# is part of the System.Text.RegularExpressions namespace. It provides a way to work with regular expressions, allowing you to perform pattern matching and manipulation of text. Here are some common operations you can perform using the Regex class:
Overriding methods is a key idea in Java object-oriented programming. It enables a subclass to provide a particular implementation of a method defined in the superclass. When you override a method, you replace the superclass's inherited implementation with your own version in the subclass. This allows for polymorphism and dynamic method dispatch.
Hello guys, sometimes we need to allow users to type only decimals in the textboxes. For that purpose , we will see how to apply decimal validation in javascript
Hello guys while using the Ole Db for Importing Excel sometimes we can face an error saying "The 'Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0' provider is not registered on the local machine.". This error basically will not let you import excel. So we will see how to solve this error in this aticle.
Hello guys, sometimes we need to allow users to type only alphabets in the textboxes. For that purpose , we will see how to apply alphabet validation using javascript
In the C programming language, operators are special symbols or keywords that perform operations on operands. Operands are the values or variables that operators act upon
Web Api in Asp.net MVC
How to delete files to Azure Blob Storage in an ASP.NET Core Web
Hello guys, now a days we always want to implement Google authentication login using Google Api . In this article we will learn how to Integrate Google SignIn in Asp.Net mvc.
The NoSuchWindowException in Java is an exception that's thrown when a WebDriver (typically from a Selenium framework) tries to switch to a window that does not exist. This usually occurs in web automation scenarios when you're working with multiple browser windows or tabs
This tutorial demonstrates how to accept payments with Stripe Checkout in an ASP.NET Core 8.0 application built with C# . The application uses Checkout to accept credit cards from the end user and send tokens to a back-end API. The back-end controller uses the Stripe .NET library to create a charge. We are using latest version on Stripe.Net api in this. Check out complete steps to Integrate Stripe Payment Gateway In ASP.NET Core 8.0
Hello guys while using Asp.Net MVC you can sometime face error while uploading large file . It can even occure while posting files on Web API. So we will see how to fix error Status Code 413 Request Entity Too Large.
The java.lang.IllegalStateException with the message "The driver executable does not exist" typically occurs in the context of automated testing using web automation frameworks such as Selenium WebDriver.
So, nowadays it is really important while developing applications that users don't have to waste a lot of time trying to register or go inside your web application. So, keeping in mind the need of today's world we have few Social Login available that are getting used mostly. These include Google Login, Linkedin, and Microsoft. In this article we will see How to Integrate Linkedin Login With Open Id Connect in Asp.Net MVC.
Lists in HTML are essential for structuring information, creating navigation menus, and organizing content in a readable and accessible manner on web pages.
Hello guys, often while dealing with project where we need to implement payment systems and need user to enter card number and show them the card number format properly. So for that purpose we have to use controls from payment gateways which are bit harder to manage on custom websites. So we will see how to implement Input Box Card Number Formatting using jquery.
It is a way to represent memory location through symbol so that it can be easily identified.
Hello guys sometimes we need to call async methods inside sync methods in our asp.net application. So we will see how we can do that.
Intergrate SummerNote Text Editor into Asp.Net MVC
Hello guys, sometimes while working with big databases in sql server we often need to find all tables where we have used specific columns. So we will see how to do that.
The java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException is an exception class in Java that is thrown when an index used to access an array, list, or other collection is either negative or greater than or equal to the size of the collection. This usually indicates an attempt to access an element at an invalid index that does not exist in the collection.
A NumberFormatException is produced in Java when you try to convert a string to a numeric type (such as int, double, float, etc.) but the string's format is incompatible with the required format for that numeric type. This is common when using parsing techniques such as Integer.parseInt(), Double.parseDouble(), or Float.parseFloat().
Hello friends, as per being a .net developer we often have situations of Sending FCM Mobile Notification in Asp.net for Android. So we will see all steps for sending notifications on android for Asp.Net core.
Constructor is a special method which is invoked automatically at the time of object creation.
How to Connect to a Database with MySQL Workbench
How to create a read-only MySQL user
We use FindElements here to return a collection of anchor tags.
Converting commas or other delimiters to a Table or List in SQL Server
Hello guys, sometimes while using asp.net web application we face need to read json data from json files and parse them in c# . So will see how to read json data from file and parse using Asp.Net.
Hello guys, we often want to integrate payment gateways in our Asp.Net applications. Some of the most popular payment gateways are payumoney,paypal,stripe and razorpay. We have already covered payumoney and stripe in our blogs. In this article we will see how to implement paypal in Asp.Net Core 8.0.
Never study to be successful, study for self-efficiency. Don’t run behind success. Follow behind excellence, success will come all way behind you.